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MAC Address Changer

MAC ID of your network adapter that provides free exchange.


"One free your network adapter allows you to change the MAC ID."
zagruzit.com Editor: A free program source code (with) your network adapter allows you to change the MAC ID.
General author:
My cable ISP does something really unusual and annoying - they lock a cable modem, N / W card's MAC Address, so that their network card or if you are using a different machine a user disallowing changing. When my father, such that their own laptops to the Internet at home and then plug Plug a LAN or the most inappropriate visited me. My friend an I Linuxian MAC number - this apparently Linux based machines a command to change the proposed transaction. Under Windows, MAC and googled around, changing locations and changing certain registry values to reset the network adapter found. Network Adapters recording and reset to change about her difficulty trusting their own laptop with my father, so imagine how I felt confident. Particularly coding not crazy, I'm an off-duty hobby for a living it - but my father in their leisure time for me to write a GUI application thought it was a prudent idea. MAC Address Changer for Windows XP/2003 began How's assets. MAC Address Changer 1.0 can now download free.

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